Your coach
My name is Annehieke Scheffer. Food and sport have always played an important role in my life. Since my early years, practicing sport has made me feel energetic and motivated me to keep well. From personal experience I know what part sport and physical (dis)ability has on human vitality.
In 1987 I finished my MSc ‘Food and Health’ at the Agriculture University in Wageningen (NL). During the following 15 years, I worked in the field of medical biology. The functioning of the human body in relation to health and disease has always had my full interest. During this period I also advised and coached start-up companies, which gave me great pleasure. Seeing my clients grow and progress was very gratifying and yielded a lot of positive energy.
Spending a few years living abroad gave me the opportunity to discover what motivates me in life. I learned that by doing what I enjoy most and by following a path which interests and inspires me, I get a lot of energy. The overseas experience has been of immense value to me and has been key in shaping my future activities.

Switch from Unconscious, Unhealthy Behavior to Natural, Healthy Behavior
How I became a Lifestyle Coach
My next step was to do the ‘post-HBO’ course to become a ‘Lifestyle Coach’ at the Academie voor Leefstijl & Gezondheid (Academy of Lifestyle & Health, NL). The necessity for a healthy lifestyle is more and more evident in our society. All factors associated with this theme have played an important role in my life for a long time, both personally and professionally. In 2016, I took an ACT training course (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) in Belgium, where mindfulness plays an important role. Additionally, I have done several training courses on coaching, motivational interviewing and front-line support in alcohol and drug counselling.
Currently, I coach clients in my private practice, as well as in the practice ‘Het Gezonde Huis’ (Haasrode) and the eQiLibre group practice in Neerijse. I give workshops to companies, organizations and private groups. I also work part-time at VAD (Expertise Centre for Alcohol and other Drugs, Brussels) for the public sector. See also my partner page.
I love my work and learn something new every day. I enjoy sharing my knowledge, skills and passion with others to help them build a healthy lifestyle. Being an enthusiastic and successful coach, I can also help you to take your life into your own hands again: